Cleaning of Surfaces

Cleaning of Surfaces

MasterBox surface cleaners cover general cleaning needs, very versatile products applicable to all kind of surfaces and dirt, thus forming a wide variety of uses for a professional cleaning. High quality solutions that simplify purchases and transportation, while saving on energy and handling costs. Easy cleaning with precise doses.

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Masterbox SCRUBB S-3

Alkaline cleaner for scrubbing machines

MasterBox S-100

Amonniated all-purpose cleaner

MasterBox S-200 Neutral Sani

Multi-purpose ph neutral Cleaner for bathrooms, surfaces & floors

MasterBox S-300 Compress

Degreaser for spray foam

MasterBox S-500

Alkaline degreaser for surfaces and machines

MasterBox Degrass D-40 Bac

Food disinfectant and degreaser

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