The new MasterBox ultra-concentrated range is presented in a new format with multiple advantages. The 5 liter Bag in Box system allows to reduce space without sacrifying cleaning efficiency. A 5-liter container equals 25 kg. of a standard product. LESS SPACE AND LESS WEIGHT. In addition, MasterBox drastically reduces the environmental impact, without stockpiling drums, bottles or canisters. 90% LESS WASTE. It represents an important reduction in transportation, handling and energy costs. A complete system for Surface Cleaning, Dishwashing and Professional Laundry.

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Cleaning of Surfaces

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Dish Washing

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Masterbox SCRUBB S-3

Alkaline cleaner for scrubbing machines

MasterBox S-500

Alkaline degreaser for surfaces and machines

MasterBox S-300 Compress

Degreaser for spray foam

MasterBox S-200 Neutral Sani

Multi-purpose ph neutral Cleaner for bathrooms, surfaces & floors

MasterBox S-100

Amonniated all-purpose cleaner

MasterBox Naturelle D-150


Ecolabel rinse aid for automatic dishwasher

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